May 07, 2009

Wal-Mart Strikes again!

I'm seriously considering writing a book. The current working title is Your baby looks like an oompaloompa and other things not to say at Wal-Mart. Because if I don't start writing this stuff down soon, no one is going to believe me and I'll probably start forgetting it. I had yet another Palm Bay Wal-Mart experience today.

I needed to run to the store before Noah's swim lesson, so I put him in his trunks and his new "Palm Bay Swim Team" shirt (more on this later) which is blue, got my own suit on and my black cover-up (it looks like a casual zip-up dress with a hood) and headed out the door. As I was taking him out of the car, I suddenly realized I was "That Mom." You know the one I'm talking about. The one with the kid who is ridiculously dirty and has no shoes on and looks like they are wearing whatever they picked up off the floor to run to the store. I almost didn't go into the store for my fear of someone actually saying to me "you're so that mom" Common sense won out, though :-p

So things were going swimmingly until we got to the check-out. The cashier says something to me about what a pretty little girl I have. He had on swim trunks. And a blue shirt. And his trunks are blue. Keeping my temper in check, I smiled, told her that HIS name was Noah and that he was very handsome. She stops mid-swipe on my box of cake mix, looks at me and with dead seriousness says "You should really always dress him in blue or otherwise everyone will think he's a girl." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

*Slight pause while I compose myself to keep typing*

Just like the oompaloompa comment, what do you say to that? I'm beginning to develop a complex. Maybe there are people out there reading this blog and then following me to Wal-Mart just to see if they can top the last crazy Wal-Mart story. Or maybe I am just the type of person people feel they can say anything to. Note to all the crazies; leave me alone at Wal-Mart!

*More composing*

So after that craziness, we went to swim lessons. The other day when we went to the Carter's outlet, I had gotten Noah the cutest shirt that actually says Palm Bay Swim Team on it with a picture of a fish. I thought it was the funniest thing and couldn't wait to take it to his swim class and show the teacher and other parents.

They thought I was crazy. I mean, flat out nuts when I showed it to them. The teacher actually said to me "but he's not on the swim team" Yes, I'm aware. And when he wears his Michigan overalls, he doesn't play tight end during the Ohio State game, either. I just thought it was so cute that a national retailer for kids clothes had a shirt that said Palm Bay Swim Team on it. I can't wait to go back on Tuesday and see if they continue to think I'm off the deep end :-p

Alright, well I'm off for the evening. It is the 100th episode of Grey's Anatomy tonight, so I'm off to watch that here in a bit. And before, maybe I can actually watch Tuesday's Deadliest Catch. You know it's been a crazy few days when I haven't seen the Deadliest Catch episode from nearly 48 hours ago... So sad. Maybe while Noah's getting a bath I can get a few minutes of Mommy time. Until tomorrow, enjoy the pictures!

Noah was chasing me around the house this morning

Playing with his bear from Poland

What a face

Sharing his milk

He thinks he's so funny


Beth Hals said...

Yay! He likes bear friend from Poland?! :)

Hope today is better! If you keep blasting Walmart shoppers - Walmart is going to follow your blog too before long! haha.

See you tonight!

Mama said...

I agree with with Beth - soon Wal0Mart will be following your blog. They may pay you to shop there, just to see what other interesting comments their shoppers could offer . . . .