October 05, 2009

Some days you feel like...

An Exhausted Mama! That's what I feel like... I am dragging big time right now. Not really sure what my deal is, but it's quarter 'til seven here, and I feel like grabbing a book, curling up in bed with it for a bit and falling asleep shortly thereafter most likely. My legs especially are awfully achy, so my apologies in advance if the blog is short or has negative undertones tonight. I don't mean to be all cranky :-p

Work was kind of crazy this morning. Seems like things were relatively quiet for awhile, and now all of a sudden we've got tons of people coming in and wanting to sign new documents ASAP. I know it's good for business and I can only imagine how crazy it is actually being there, but even here I'm having a hard time keeping up with what needs to get finished next. Hopefully I'll catch up in the next few days and then take on just one project at a time instead of three!

After I got off work, Noah and I headed to the park for lunch and a play date with the Mom's group. Even though only one other Mom and little boy showed up we still had a good time chatting and chasing the kiddos all over. I was really hoping that the cooler weather from last week was going to stick around, but no such luck unfortunately. Poor Noah was sweating like a fool after only ten minutes. I swear that child sweats in the air conditioned car sometimes, though.

After we played I ran to the library for a few minutes. I have been devouring books lately and have really been looking forward to the chance to go to the library. Next time I need to remind myself to wait until Grant gets home and I can leave Noah with him, though. He was good, don't get me wrong, but I always feel like I'm in a hurry when he's with me since I'm not sure how long 'good' is going to last.

We had a bit of a battle of wills at dinner again, but as soon as Noah discovered that yes, he could have some applesauce as soon as he ate some of his ravioli, life was good again. Right now he and Daddy are off at the store making sure we have milk and bananas.... I need to figure out what Noah's going to be for Halloween. The party for the Florida fam is here on the 22nd, so I need to figure it out before then. When I asked Noah today, he said he wanted to be a puppy. So much better than a hot dog, but still... What do you think? Opinions welcome...

Alright, I'm off to draw the kiddo's bath water, finish a load of laundry, clean up the kitchen and probably a dozen other things that need my attention. Sorry there's no pictures (there was some on Saturday, though, so patience, people!) but I forgot to pull out the camera at the park today or at any other spare moment. I'll try better tomorrow. Until then...

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