March 24, 2010

Cranky Noah and a Rollie Pollie Ollie

We've had another full couple of days around here. The kiddos (like usual) are non-stop. Noah was a bit of a handful yesterday (as the pictures will show) and Mikayla picked yesterday to roll over from her tummy to her back (she had already managed her back to her tummy) Grant says she is doing 360's :) She's officially ahead of her brother on this one as he couldn't go in both directions until he was over four months old. Now if only she's start to put on some weight like her brother did... ;-) But she is a very very happy baby, gurgling, cooing and smiling all the time. We've even had some genuine laughter and giggles the past couple of days which makes me happier than almost any other noise in the entire world. Just thought I'd share a few of the pictures I had - hopefully they will make you smile as much as I did while I was taking them. More soon...

Literally kicking and screaming

I told him he looked silly - this was the look I got

Mikayla LOVES to suck on her hands and fingers

Mom, why is big brother throwing such a fit?

Back to his regular cheesy self

Mikayla and Daddy after her bath

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