December 02, 2008

Sappy Christmas

Every year I fall for it. I think I'm going to make it through the whole season without crying over some song or some commercial. And then bam - I get hit with it yet again.

Case in point - have you seen the Hallmark commercial with the little kid saying "Merry Christmas"? The mom is trying to teach this little kid to say Merry Christmas, and in true little kid fashion it comes out as a bunch of consonants and vowels all jumbled together into something completely unfamiliar. Then you see her record it on one of those Hallmark cards. Cut to the grandparents opening the card, the grandma listening to the gobbley-gook, and saying "He said Merry Christmas!" Not sure why, but every time I see it I tear up.

Then there's my old standard, the song "The Christmas Shoes" I swear, in high school I always used to mock my Mom when she said how sad it was and that it made her cry. Then one day a few years ago I heard it on the radio and just started bawling. The dang song gets me EVERY time! So just as I was starting to get comfortable this year with the fact that it was 5 days into the season and I hadn't heard it yet. I was in my kitchen today, working away on eggnog truffles, and it comes on. Instantaneous waterworks! Then I turn around to see my son grinning at me, which makes me cry all the harder. Dang it! I'm such a sap!!

So anyway, what is about Christmas that bring out the tears? I don't think I'm suddenly any more sensitive now than I am any other time of the year, but apparently all the company's trying to sell stuff know how to push my buttons! ;-)

Alright, I'm off for the night. Enjoy the pictures :-)

He woke up from his nap just when I walked in to take this

My big kid

Just hanging out

Noah and Daddy

Noah in his hoodie

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