January 07, 2009

And the Universe was right again

I think (and I say this with extreme caution) that the monster that had inhabited my son for the past few days might be gone! He still mostly refused to take an afternoon nap (and by refuse I mean this mean mommy let him scream for an hour before 'rescuing' him) but otherwise he seems to be mostly back to normal. He's still had his moments but nothing at all like the past few days. So whoever found my son and returned him, thanks ;-)

We had another one of those milestones again today. Noah road in a shopping cart all by himself! My sisters got me the greatest cart cover for Christmas and I've been anxiously waiting to try it out. Noah and I had to run and get diapers today, so we took the opportunity. He was SO excited. He giggled and kicked his feet and then tried to eat the cart handle. Thank goodness for the cart cover :-p And we had so much fun trying it out, we had to go to Sam's Club with Daddy tonight so he could see, too. And then to Target for new pillows - thanks Aunt Mary :D

Right now I'm watching Grant battle to get Noah in his new froggy jammies, and it's quite the fiasco. They're the next size up (but Daddy has been dying to put him in them) and so now they're wrestling trying to get them on right. I wish that I had the camcorder out. Noah's giggling and Grant's wrestling. God bless Daddy for being in charge of bath time :-p

Alright, my kiddo is going to be wanting my attention here shortly so I better be heading out. Continued prayers that the demon that took over my child is completely exercised would be most appreciated (hehe) More tomorrow from hopefully a continually happy Gatchel household. Enjoy the pictures!
Good cookie

The ring again

It's gorgeous, you'll just have to trust me :-P

Such a big kid!

So proud of himself

In Sam's club

Look Dad, I'm a big kid

He was so excited


Shellie said...

Does that child have a coat on? In FLORIDA?!

Anonymous said...

Not only does he have a coat on, but it's his MICKEY coat!!! Yeah!! I love it. Does he? If only I'd known, we could have worn our coats together - in different cities!