January 05, 2009

Back to Reality

Earlier, I was feeling a little sorry for myself. Work was back to its normal craziness, my son is not happy to be back in Florida and refuses to be by himself or take a nap and I was missing the fun of the past three weeks.

So in an effort to feel better, I started thinking about the things here that I can be happy about being back to

1. It was 80 degrees here today; I drove home from the grocery store with the windows down in my car
2. Grant and I have our own room back
3. It's fantastic not to have to spend any time in the car
4. I know where everything belongs in my own kitchen
5. Noah slept all night in his own bed without making a peep
6. I'm getting to show off my fantastic pedicure
7. No socks - only flip flops
8. Noah's glad to not have to wear socks, either
9. I got my very pretty mother's ring yesterday :)
10. All the TV shows start again this week (hehe)

I miss everyone like crazy and would love to be back again soon, but parts of me are also glad to be home. I'm trying hard not to get into a funk about it. I do really like Florida, but I just miss all the family and friends we have back in the mid-west.

Alright, I'm off for the night. I'll be in a better mood tomorrow :) Enjoy the pictures!

My bathroom has been overtaken!

Bella is so sad and misses her new best friend Tipper

Noah feeding himself

Noah eating his mashed potatoes tonight

1 comment:

Shellie said...

I know that everyone here is missing you as much as you're missing us! I'd appreciate a picture of your ring :)