January 29, 2009

End of the week already?

Is it really possible that the week is over again (work week) already? I can't believe that tomorrow is Friday already!

Nothing too exciting to report from Casa de Gatchel, tonight. I'bve been really busy all day working on some projects around the house. I got the book case put together (see below) and stuff moved from the back room to the new office. And I got the mattress on Noah's crib dropped down a few inches. He's starting to be so mobile that I'm worried he's going to figure out how to pull himself up and then it's all over...

Otherwise, looks like we're going to say goodbye to our temporary warm weather again tomorrow, but hopefully it will rain. That's right, rain here would be a fabulous thing. Our lawn is so dead that I'm having haunting flashbacks to last May and the fires. God forbid...

Alright, I'm off for the night. Kristina is going to come hang out for awhile, so I've got to figure out what to make for dessert ;-) Enjoy the pictures and video!

Noah getting a bubble beard

Little Santa Claus

Grant wanted to try out Noah's new towel....

Look Aunt Shellie, I'm your personal penguin!!

Isn't he cute? (The towel even has feet and "wings", Shell, and he can put his hands in the wings)

Eating his toys..

Now if I just move this...

It sure is sunny out, Mom

Are you sure Daddy's not coming home yet?

Maybe he will if I wait here long enough

I built it all by myself :)

That didn't take long...

Standing by himself! (for about 4 seconds!)

Fun with the door stop:


Anonymous said...

Wait til Dad sees Noah standing! And I love his new towel. We do not envy you your cold weather - we're suppose to get another Acrtic Clipper in on Monday. No January thaw here this year!

Shellie said...

That towel is adorable! Noah, I'm so jealous! Aunt Shellie will have to see if she can find one in her size and we can be twins! The pictures of him standing at the window waiting are sooo cute! I miss all of you!