March 01, 2009

No Nap!

There must be something in the water around here for the past three days. And it must be a high dose of caffeine. Since Friday morning Noah has refused to take a nap.

It started Friday morning and I wasn't overly concerned. Grant was home, and he doesn't always take too long of a morning nap anyway, so I figured no biggie, he'd be down for a good long while in the afternoon which was to my benefit anyway since I needed the afternoon to get some cleaning and prep work done for Friday night.

By 3:00pm Friday afternoon it was clear to me that the kiddo was not going to take an afternoon nap, either. I tried rocking, I tried cuddling, I tried just letting him yell. Nada, nothing, no success. Alright, so he was going to be a handful on Friday night, but at least he'd sleep well.

6:15am Saturday morning Noah was wide awake and wanting attention. Now. For a kiddo who usually sleeps 'til 7:15 or 7:30, this was unusual. And then again, no morning nap, no afternoon nap and ridiculous crabbiness on top of it.

Today has been much the same way. He seems in a better overall temperament, but still no napping. I'm not sure what to make of all of this. He has always been so good about getting his blankie tossed over him, smiling at me as he pulls it up to his face and falling asleep with five minutes. Who knows. All I know is that I'm going to continue to put him down at nap time and eventually I'm sure he'll crack ;-) Make sure you add your two cents worth about why you don't think Noah is napping in the new poll.

Otherwise it's been a low key weekend. As promised, there's pictures of the pizzas on Friday night. Thank goodness Arthur was here as the dough turned out very sticky and I relied entirely on his past pizza making experience to help me out. I learned my lesson and next time I'll just get the pre-made pizza dough. Or maybe try another recipe.

I'm having a really tough time believing that we're in March already. I can't wait until next Monday when Sarah gets here! And then there's my birthday, Easter, Mother's Day, Noah's birthday and a trip to Ohio in May to look forward to! Non-stop, I tell ya.

Alright, I've got to go get some more play time in with the Noah. It's been so cute this weekend, whenever I walk into his eyesight he says "Mama!" and the same thing when I walk away, usually with him crawling after me at full speed. Crazy little kiddo! Enjoy the pictures!

Noah and Bella watching the yard sale across the street

What do you mean I can't go outside, Mom?

Thank Goodness for Papa Larrio's super pizza instructions!!

So we had supreme pizza, bbq chicken pizza, buffalo chicken pizza and taco pizza! Yum!

My fruit pizza! (I used blood oranges for the first time - what an interesting fruit! Thought they'd be redder for a little more color but they definitely brought a different taste!)

All the toys!

And Noah playing with Bella's stuff instead

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