March 03, 2009

Reality - yeah right

So I have a confession to make; I've actually been watching The Bachelor this season. Ugh, what a dirty little secret, I know. Last night was the finale, and when Grant got home I actually made him sit down and watch it with me. (He said that he couldn't turn away from the train wreck before going to bed)

Anyway, if you haven't been watching (come on, admit it, some of you have seen it) or if you didn't see all the headlines online today it was "The most shocking finale ever" (if you've ever seen the show, you're laughing at that. If not, they ALWAYS says that) For once, they weren't really joking.

The Bachelor picked and proposed to one girl. Things seemed fabulous. Then they did an hour long "After The Final Rose" which they announce was filmed six weeks after the proposal. They drag this poor girl that he proposed to out, and he then dumps her on national TV only to tell her he made a mistake and really wants a chance with the other girl! And if this isn't all awful enough they bring the other girl out (and he's dumped his original fiancee) and he then tells her that he wants a second chance and the girl says OK! You've got to be bloody kidding me!!

There was nothing realistic about any of this! My affinity for reality TV is officially over. (Well, except for American Idol and Top Chef and, oh who am I kidding...) I can't believe the lengths people go to for "fame" though. I wonder if someone of these people, after it's all over, really think that their fifteen minutes were really worth it...

My poor husband is still at work, so I'm off to hang out with the kiddo and the doggie until Grant gets home. Have I mentioned lately that I'll be really glad when this dang project is over? I'm sure Grant, after 14 hour + days will be even happier. Alright, enough for tonight. Enjoy the pictures!

Noah helping me get the spare room in order for Aunt Sarah's visit!

He sat on the duck and it quacked and he thought it was really funny

Climbing up the side of my desk

Hey Mom, what's this do?

Noah and Moosey the Reindeer

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