October 08, 2009

Chasin' Daddy

There are no pictures tonight, but I've got something even better - a giggly Noah video! He and Grant were playing chase prior to his bath tonight and I decided to pull out the camera and take some video. I know it's not the greatest footage ever, but there is no doubt in my mind that there are very few sounds quite as delightful as Noah giggling and shrieking.

Don't have anything too exciting to report from here today. It's still super hot (105 with the heat index) so we've been doing our best to stay inside and out of the heat. Neither Noah or I really need to be out in it, in all honesty. So we've been hanging close to home and enjoying our time together here.

Grey's is on in a little bit and to celebrate I felt like making some cookies. New recipe (something I pulled off the bag of chocolate chips) so I'll have to let you know tomorrow if they are any good. Grant says anything that makes the house smell like chocolate and peanut butter must be good. I'm just glad that we can all have dinner together, play for a little bit and then I have time to make cookies, clean-up the kitchen and blog while Grant throws Noah in the tub. In case I don't say it enough - I don't know what I'd do without Grant.

Alright, enough of my rambling. Have to go pull the second batch of cookies of the oven in a minute here anyway. Enjoy the video :) Until tomorrow...


Mama said...

Such fun! And everyone got to play - even Bella put in her two cents worth! Makes me smile!

Caren "Kay" said...

A cute family video. So cool to hear him giggle. Makes me smile, too. Love,ckb