March 29, 2010

The Gardening Gatchel's

In an effort to spruce up the house and welcome in spring this weekend, Grant and I (with some help from the kiddos) spent all day Saturday landscaping out front. Florida Family, you will be most happy to know that all the hydrangea bushes are still alive. We trimmed them back and transplanted them to the other side of the house. Hopefully I will be able to continue to nurse them back to health and we will have our lovely bushes full and flowering in a month or so. I don't have any pictures of the finished product (we were short one bag of mulch so I guess it's not completely finished yet) but there are of course pictures of the kiddos :)

Mikayla all ready for spring

She loves being outside!

Noah putting on Mama's gloves

He was a good helper

So then he got to play :)

He was so good about playing in the pool while Grant and I were working

1 comment:

Mama said...

What a wonderful day in the sunshine and good earth! I love the flat of flowers in the pictures. I hope everything turned out well!