September 22, 2008

Blowing Raspberries

A few things have changed in the past four months:

1. An iPod that once held all of my favorite songs is now full of Veggie Tales, Raffi, and Muppet music.
2. Baby poop is a huge concern of mine; how often, what color?
3. Dancing around my kitchen like an idiot while also trying to make dinner, unload the dishwasher and play with the dog all in the desperate attempt to calm down the screaming kiddo in his chair is completely acceptable, let's just hope the neighbors don't watch.
4. I will spend hours making funny faces, going cross-eyed and another other number of facial oddities in hopes of just one smile.
5. Blowing raspberries is so cool!

The last one has come about just over the last week or so. I'm sure the average twenty-five year old female would beg to differ on this point, but I'm a Mom now and oh so out of touch with the average twenty-five year old female. Suddenly sticking my tongue out and creating a slobbery mess is suddenly not only acceptable, it's a blast! Of course, the fact that I'm doing this because Noah has suddenly figured out how to blow his own raspberries probably has something to do with this new found perspective. Every day I'm more amazed at how silly I'm willing to look or the outlandish acts that seem totally acceptable now because of him. The only amendment I will make to number 5 is that blowing raspberries is cool as long as your mouth isn't full of peas, Noah Joseph! I learned that one that hard way yesterday...

Noah blowing raspberries at his Mama this morning

Last night we watched "Made of Honor" with Arthur and Kristina. We missed the Emmy's but from the online chatter I read today, we didn't miss much... Though I do have to say I did You Tube this Josh Groban theme song montage and got quite a chuckle this morning. His tongue in cheek take was quite hilarious if I do say so myself. My only complaint is the diss to the Monkees theme song...

Bella hiding in my closet

Mommy and Noah

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