April 04, 2009

Friday Night Bash

I apologize for this going up a little late, but you know they say better late than never :) We went out with the gang last night and there wasn't a chance for me to put it up by the time we got home.

We had a good day yesterday. After Grant got home we met up with lot of the gang at Chili's for dinner and then went back to the Kunkle's for some Rock Band for the boys, chatting for the girls and then a loud game of Catchphrase. All I've got to say about that is "what does a gay horse say?"

Kristina also made a fabulous cake to celebrate Beth and my birthday. I really appreciated the effort she took to make a fabulous cake. It was gorgeous (check out the picture) and extremely yummy.

Noah really enjoyed rocking out to Guitar Hero: Metallica. You'll have to check out the video below to see what I mean.

And if that wasn't all enough, "the band" assembled to play a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" We even caught it on video for prosperity.

Alright, not sure what's on the agenda for today, but I need to be off and doing it instead of sitting here on the computer. More tonight - enjoy the pictures!

Literally climbing up the walls

The other shoes, Aunties :)

Noah and his Daddy

My little virtuoso

Composing his first sonata

Yummy cake!

The band warming up

Thomas tuning the guitar

Arthur in his composing hat

The band

Video 1: Noah rocking out
Video 2: The band doing Happy Birthday

1 comment:

Mama said...

All that and you were still up and moving at 7:45am? You go girl!