October 28, 2008

For the Mama

It's been a rough day. I can't put my finger on why exactly, but it's been a long day... But like usual, the kiddo made it better. Him and my Mom. Thanks for listening to me rant and rave earlier, Mom. I don't know what super mom gene you have (I think you don't graduate to Super Mom level until you have at least four children) but you always know just what to say to make things seem not nearly as rough as it was before. God Bless Mom.

Too tired to post anything else tonight, but there's lots of pictures. Here's KNOWING that tomorrow will be better :-)

Noah the ham (the kid starts smiling now as soon as the camera comes out)

Noah eating his exer-saucer

There's these knobs on the ball and he has become infatuated with them

I know, three pictures, but he was cracking me up. I'd give him his binky and he'd spit it out and go back and suck on the ball again

Mmmm, rice and sweet potatoes

Mmmm, Mommy!

Pure happiness

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