October 27, 2008

Trunk or Treat!

So tonight was Trunk or Treat at the Church. Even though Noah is too little to trick or treat (see list below) we thought it would be fun to go and hand out candy and see all the great costumes the little kids had on. We went through a ton of candy and easily had probably 300 kids come to our car. And while I had a great time, I do have to say that I believe the following list should NOT be trick or treating

1. If you can legally drive a car by yourself go buy your own candy
2. If your cup size is larger than mine now that I'm nursing, you should not be trick or treating
3. If you are an adult trick or treating for your child who has no teeth you should be ashamed of yourself
4. If you have no costume, I have no candy for you
5. If you are an adult and carrying a bag around for "the kid that is still in the car" get a life - who's watching the kid?

OK, enough of my rant. We had a great time and had the cutest kid there. (Who didn't trick or treat by the way) It's supposed to get really cold tonight (in the 40's, the high tomorrow is 65) so if you live in Florida make sure to check on the old people. Hope that you enjoy the pictures!

Grant in the middle of Noah's bath (We're not sure who ended up wetter...)

My adorable tiger! (The pink didn't stay on his nose long)


Noah the tiger and Daddy

Sexy black cat!

With attitude this time!

Noah and Mommy

Two cats :-)

One of the cars at Trunk or treat

Noah and I passing out candy

Noah "helped"

They really get into decorating the cars down here

After all the candy was handed out I could literally smell the sugar oozing out of the pores of all the kids

Tons of cars, the Church in the background

Another baby animal - this was a giraffe

Baby lion meets baby tiger

Cool car decorations as it got dark

Feeding time

Noah and me being fierce

One tuckered out tiger

This was some video from last night's bath that I thought you might enjoy :-)

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