October 19, 2008


So I haven't been too good this weekend about posting. It's not that it's been incredibly busy weekend, it's just that we haven't been around much! Friday night we were out, Saturday during the day we were out and then had people here last night, and then we were out for most of the day again today. So shoot me, but I'm behind. You'll just have to settle for lots of pictures 'cause I'm a little too exhausted to write tonight :-)

Noah and the Mommy snoozing

Happy Noah in his ducky PJ's

More happy Noah

Sing along at the Kunkle's!

Noah's babushka

Spider baby, spider baby, does whatever a spider baby does

That's a yummy cookie monster!

My grinning baby boy

Noah Joe - Moose Valuable Player

An unhappy kiddo

Noah in his "fall colors"

Are you talking to me Mommy?

Jam Session!

1 comment:

Shellie said...

Can I be honest with you? These are honestly some of the creepiest pictures I've ever seen...Not that they're not cute, they're just kinda strange ;) The "jam sessions" are definitely my favorites though lol