June 10, 2009

It's a Small World

My Dad was the inspiration behind this blog. Not this post, but the whole dang thing. He gave me the idea to post daily with pictures so that all the people that wanted to had the opportunity to stay in touch with the Florida Gatchel's on a daily basis.

At first, I really posted as much for myself as anyone else. It was a good chance for me to say what was on my mind and sometimes put things into much better perspective. It has been immensely helpful at times.

Now, it never fails to amaze me just how many people the blog has touched. Or how many people read it for that matter! I thought it was going to be my family and Grant's family and that would be about it. But there are lots of people out there that I know "keep in touch" with us Gatchel's on a daily basis this way. It makes me so incredibly happy. At that same time, it can be very disconcerting to be talking to someone and relating a story only to have them say "I already know about that, I read it on the blog" Doesn't technology just keep making the world seem like a smaller place?

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to anyone out there reading this and staying in touch with us. Feel free to drop a message and leave us comments it makes us all really happy to know who's keeping up with us. Stay tuned, I have a feeling this year is just going to keep getting more and more interesting ;-)

Noah and I went to Miesje's for lunch today (it was fabulous) and to play for awhile. Noah and Coen are so funny together! I am so thankful that Noah has someone close to his age that he gets to play with on a regular basis. Now that he's walking, too, they are quite the pair...

Alright, I should get going. Noah's getting a bath right now but I'm sure he'll want some more attention here soon. Though probably from Grant, in all honesty. How come as soon as Daddy gets home I become chopped liver? Right now, I'm not too upset about it, though. Like I've said so many times recently, thank goodness for Grant. More tomorrow :)

My cheese monkey

Eating some fruit

How can you not absolutely love that kid?

1 comment:

Caren "Kay" said...

Well, we love that you take the time to post. I can't tell you often enough how grateful we are here in IL to have a web side view of Noah growing. Oh, and of you guys, too! :-) It make having you all in FL a whole lot easier to handle although touching, hugging, smooching and all that stuff is nice too. Love you all, ckb