June 09, 2009

I've got a hot tip if you're in need of a new show to get hooked on over the summer. I had recorded and just had a chance to watch "Royal Pains." Great new show! It's on USA if anyone's interested. The fact that the lead character bears a slight resemblance to Patrick Dempsey doesn't hurt, either. I can get my Grey's fix over the summer :)

OK, enough about TV shows, on to the rest of the day at Casa de Gatchel. Work was really kind of crazy this morning. Mostly all kinds of goofy computer issues. I hate computer issues. I always figure that I should just be able to fix them (my husband IS a software engineer after all) and normally I'm just as stumped as anyone else! Fortunately (or I suppose unfortunately) this problem even Grant got stopped up with. I think this one is just going to have to stay a mess :p

Noah and I were supposed to meet up with Miesje and Coen, but Coen is not feeling too well. I'm glad to hear that he doesn't have pneumonia. Lots of extra prayers Coen's way please! Instead Noah and I hung out here for the afternoon. His new favorite thing to do is literallly chase Bella around the house. If both of them are occupied, I'm a happy Mama.

Grant got home awhile ago, and has taken the kiddo out of the house for awhile (thank goodness for Grant). I'm sure they'll be back any minute wanting some attention, though, so I should probably wrap this up. Off to watch the hockey game soon - GO WINGS! Until tomorrow, enjoy the pictures!

Noah and Bella playing together

He learned how to throw the other day. It doesn't always go forward...

1 comment:

lindsey said...

Kristi- my mom told me about #2, congratulations!!! I also heard that Noah is extremely cute : ) Hope the nausea gets better soon!