August 18, 2009

15 months and still going strong

The things that Noah does or gets into lately never fails to keep me giggling. And sometimes it is just as hard NOT to laugh. Right now he's chasing Bella around the house making the kiss noise at her. He wants doggie kisses, apparently. Eventually Bella will give in when Noah gives up and go and attack him when he's least expecting it. Those two are quite the pair.

Today was laundry day at the Gatchel house. Sigh, laundry is my least favorite of all the household chores. I think it is because it never seems to end! Even when you get all finished, everything put away in its place and hung up, suddenly the basket has the clothes everyone wore that day in it, and the laundry doesn't seem complete anymore. I guess the same is true to some degree with all housework, but the laundry just doesn't have the same satisfaction level, I guess.

I think the kiddo might be going through a growth spurt. This morning he ate a waffle, a banana and two handfuls of Cheerios. Twenty minutes later he was back in my face making the food sign again! Then for lunch he ate an entire hot dog (with ketchup, thank you so much, Uncle Scott!) and two handfuls of blueberries. I walked to his room after his nap and the first thing he did was make the food sign. And for dinner he ate a quarter of a chicken breast, a mini egg roll and some of Grant's lo mein noodles. A bottomless pit the kid has become lately!! I'm beginning to worry about my ability to keep him fed and happy in the future :-p

Alright, I feel like I should go rescue someone, not sure which of the three of them it's going to be. Probably the dog ;-) Anyway, will have the latest Noah updates tomorrow after his doctor's appointment. I'm planning on them telling me he's huge ;-) Until tomorrow; enjoy the pictures!

Lunch time with Noah

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