August 11, 2009

Silly Noah day

I think Noah took his extra dose off silly pills today. He has been so darn goofy. He's talking non-stop (his own secret babble language that is, heck if I know what he's talking about 90% of the time. Some of it I can discern) Anyway, he's been in a particularly good mood all day and has just been silly.

The rash was completely gone as of this morning. I'm very glad - one less trip to any doctor is a plus in my book at this point. The Gatchel family is going to make it three whole weeks without having to see any physicians if things continue to go well ;-)

Coen and Miesje came and hung out for awhile this afternoon. Noah and Coen even sat and watched Finding Nemo for about 20 minutes. Noah probably would have watched longer, but it was snoozie time, so off for a nap with him. I totally do not believe in parking them in front of the TV and he really doesn't have a long enough attention span for it anyway, but every once in awhile it's OK. I've decided pre-nap is the best time for a bit of a movie :)

Alright, back to my projects and whatnot. I can't believe we're almost half way through August already. January is going to be here before I know it, I'm thinking... Until tomorrow, enjoy the pictures :)

Noah and Bella

My grin monkey

Eatin' grilled cheese!

And then a silly grin for the Mama

Noah and Coen watching Finding Nemo

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