November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

I know it's not much, but here's some pictures to tide everyone over for a bit ;-)

Noah at the park

Such a big kid!

Climbing all by himself

Got my creche set up!

The stockings were hung...

Grant putting up the village

He ran electricity up there today - his father-in-law will be so proud


Noah helping his Daddy

Aunt Shell Shell says the fake tree is wrong on so many levels...

The top is almost as big as Noah!

Helping Daddy with the lights

Got to make sure they are just right...

November 01, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Sarah!!!!

Aunt Sarah,

Hope that your 24th is just as wonderful as each one before it! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you, but know we're thinking of you from here today! Happy Birthday :)

Grant, Kristi, Noah, Mikayla and Bella

Mikayla Update

Since I've been neglecting the blog lately (oops...) I think I'm going to have to post things in pieces so it's not too overwhelming :) So first an update on the littlest love in my life - Mikayla Elizabeth.

Up to this week everything had been going relatively smoothly with Baby G 2.0. The fatigue was starting to catch up with me, but since we were officially in the third trimester I suppose that was to be expected. She's sitting much higher than Noah did and my biggest complaint is that sometimes I have problems breathing depending on where she's sitting and how she's positioned.

Monday we went and saw the high risk OB for an ultrasound. I've included some pictures below. She's currently weighing in at close to two and a half pounds and according to them is "definintely a girl" She is growing right on schedule and everything looks great there.

Tuesday I was off to see the regular OB. Unfortunately my blood pressure has apparently decided to spike up again (he said that it usually falls in the 2nd trimester so he's not at all surprised that we're dealing with this again). And it spiked enough that my meds were drastically increased and he threatened me with that awful word - bedrest.... In the meantime as I filled him in on the other things that were going on, he ordered a whole slew of tests to try to rule out everything from pre-eclampsia to anemia. I'm pretty sure that part of the problem is my potassium level again, and we're off to have that checked on Tuesday. I see the nephro a week from Tuesday and the OB a week from Wednesday, so hopefully we'll start getting some things figured out here soon. I have this nagging feeling, though, that Mikayla just may end up being a December baby....

Other than bummed out that we seem to be in no different position than we were this time with the last kiddo, I'm doing pretty well. I'm really trying to take it easy because at the end of the day I know that is the only way to keep Mikayla cooking as long as possible :-p Besides, look at the pictures of that adorable face and tell me you wouldn't do everything to keep her safe :)

Mikayla toes - can't wait to kiss them!


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