February 26, 2010

February 25, 2010

Coloring and Cherries

I'm trying to take pictures and post when I remember, so please continue to be patient with me! You know that maybe I wish I had a few more hours in my day when I say to the two month old "OK, you get 12 minutes of cuddling so you better get over your issue by then because Mama's got lots of other issues to handle yet today" (She ended up getting 20 minutes - who wouldn't want to snuggle that sweetness?)

Anyway, we've been going non-stop again this week, though Grant and I have been getting over some nasty colds. The kids haven't shown any signs of getting it yet, so here's keeping our fingers crossed.

Mikayla has been smiling a lot lately and I will try to attempt to capture it on camera, though as soon as the camera responds she's not smiling anymore. We have to train her like her brother who knew what the camera did nearly immediately. Hopefully we'll get that soon.

Not too much else to report right now. Enjoy the few pictures I've managed to snag the past few days :)

My sweet Cherry Princess

She was wearing jeans :)

My little coloring monkey

He was a coloring machine

February 20, 2010

Pop Princess!

Mikayla was wearing the cutest outfit today so I had to share pictures! She looked just like a little 80's pop princess :) Oh and I know the waist looks funny - her waist isn't that big, the skirt is still a little too big and that's just the way it was laying. Later Noah was helping with "Kay Kay"'s bath time so I got some pictures of the wonderful big brother.

Cutest baby EVER!

I would wear this outfit, too cute ;-)

Noah was helping by holding Kay Kay's towel

Smiling at mommy

February 18, 2010


Took the kiddos to the zoo this morning to check out the new Cheetah (or as Noah as Chee-Chee) exhibit. Still a bit chilly down here (don't think it was above 50 the whole time we were at the zoo) but we enjoyed ourselves anyway :) Took some pictures that I thought you all might enjoy!

My Florida babies bundled up against the cold in our train (the double stroller)

She was yawning, not crying. This was the most of Mikayla that I could see the whole time at the zoo


The giraffe looked right at me

Four of the six giraffes at the zoo

Noah and Coen love the giraffes

February 17, 2010

Busy kiddos!

Things have been good here in Florida. The temperatures have dropped again and so we've had to bundle up on the many outings the kids and I have been making in the mornings. Thank goodness Mikayla is so laid back for the most part and she's good with going with Noah and I wherever we might be off to.

Noah has been a great big brother lately. He constantly checks on Mikayla for me and even has figured out how to give Mikayla her binky sometimes (as long as Mama is keeping half an eye on things) and rocks her when she's in her chair. While he sometimes doesn't realize how tiny she is and the need to be gentle I suppose that's 100 times better than him despising her and me having to worry about them being alone in the same room for any period of time.

Other than the cold we've had some brush fires very very close to the house in the past few days (Noah learned the word helicopter when one of the choppers for an Orlando news station hovered directly over the house for 15 minutes the other day). Apparently there is some so not nice people in Palm Bay that are going around deliberately setting the fires in the area with over fifty being set since the beginning of November. Hopefully they continue to stay small and under control. I know none of us want to repeat May 2008...

Mikayla is doing fabulously, She is much more alert and awake for extended periods of time (5-6 hours sometimes other than little 10 minute cat naps). She will smile at us occasionally and started blowing raspberries at me in the bath tub the other night. Her favorite thing to do is snuggle and when I get the chance I enjoy that more than anything else :)

Alright, Noah and Daddy are practicing jumping and running around the house and I am going to take advantage of my 15 minutes of only having to rock the baby's chair with my foot while I check my email and whatnot before the fifth load of laundry for the day really requires my attention ;-) Hopefully more soon!

Mikayla ready to go to visit Miesje and Coen and eat paczki!

Noah was super excited about paczki

Playing outside at the Carlsen's

Coen looking through the window

Noah loved the sand box!

He was so excited to play outside be himself

Mikayla chilling in her rocking chair

Watching the going-ons

February 12, 2010

Noah the Blue M&M

Thank you Grandma & Papa Larry for the cool Valentine's Day present! Mikayla says thank you for her Orange M&M outfit, too! Love, Noah & Mikayla

February 11, 2010

Mikayla at Two Months

Mikayla had her two month (eight week) check-up today and I thought I'd post her latest stats. She's currently weighing in at 7 lbs 7 ounces, and is 21 3/4 inches long. She's in the 25th percentile for her height right now but not on the charts for her weight. She's doing all the other developmental things she should be and there's no sign in that area that she was premie :) Now to fatten her up....

February 09, 2010

I Love My Kiddos!

Mikayla in her first 0-3 month outfit! (which is still way too big for her)

It even has a hood!

Lounging on the blanket bed daddy made for her on the floor


Are you talking to me, Mom?

Playing video games with Daddy

Noah was playing, too!

Yes, I am a cute teenie beanie, Mama

February 07, 2010

February 06, 2010

Grandpa Gary and Uncle Keith come to visit

Mikayla and Daddy

Morning cuddles

Noah and his donut

The two cutest kiddos in the whole world!

The little bean

Uncle Keith and Mikayla

Mikayla and Daddy

At the park!

Noah and Uncle Keith go for a swing

Keith, Noah and Grant

Mikayla sitting with Aunt Miesje during Grey's Night for the girls

Miss Mikayla in her pretty dress