January 29, 2009

End of the week already?

Is it really possible that the week is over again (work week) already? I can't believe that tomorrow is Friday already!

Nothing too exciting to report from Casa de Gatchel, tonight. I'bve been really busy all day working on some projects around the house. I got the book case put together (see below) and stuff moved from the back room to the new office. And I got the mattress on Noah's crib dropped down a few inches. He's starting to be so mobile that I'm worried he's going to figure out how to pull himself up and then it's all over...

Otherwise, looks like we're going to say goodbye to our temporary warm weather again tomorrow, but hopefully it will rain. That's right, rain here would be a fabulous thing. Our lawn is so dead that I'm having haunting flashbacks to last May and the fires. God forbid...

Alright, I'm off for the night. Kristina is going to come hang out for awhile, so I've got to figure out what to make for dessert ;-) Enjoy the pictures and video!

Noah getting a bubble beard

Little Santa Claus

Grant wanted to try out Noah's new towel....

Look Aunt Shellie, I'm your personal penguin!!

Isn't he cute? (The towel even has feet and "wings", Shell, and he can put his hands in the wings)

Eating his toys..

Now if I just move this...

It sure is sunny out, Mom

Are you sure Daddy's not coming home yet?

Maybe he will if I wait here long enough

I built it all by myself :)

That didn't take long...

Standing by himself! (for about 4 seconds!)

Fun with the door stop:

January 28, 2009


Today was just another one of those days. Four plus hours of work, three loads of laundry, a dishwasher and sink full of dishes, a trip to the store, a walk with the dog, changing the bedding, three meals for the kid, picking up countless toys countless times, and making sure dinner was on the table by 6pm and I'm wondering where it's all gone...

Busy, yes. But nothing exciting. Maybe I'm getting boring. Nope, boring is the wrong word; routine is better. In an email earlier Dad was telling me how he's in his 'winter routine' and I was thinking that like it or not, I've gotten myself into quite a routine as well. In November and December we were so busy, there was something different going on constantly. Now, we're back to the ho-hum of every day. Part of me is really bummed out about this (The part that has this ridiculous need for drama) but the smart half of me is grateful that things seem to be well under control.

Granted, nothing can ever be too routine when you have a Noah, but you know what I mean. And yes, the crawling little monkey got himself into trouble yet again today when he discovered the dog's water bowl... Right now I'm sitting in my desk chair typing away and he is literally trying to crawl up the side and into my lap. See what I mean about no routine?

Alright, I better head out before things get out of hand. Grant had to run to Target to get the bookshelf (yay!) so it's still just me, the kiddo and the doggy. I'll be back tomorrow - it's part of the routine ;-) Enjoy the pictures!

Morning play time

My little cheeseball

Noah's new tunnel

I love toys that change with him!

Oooh, Mom this is cool!

Happy Noah

Noah not so happy our walk was over

Look mom, I found the linoleum!

Hiding under his high chair

January 27, 2009


When Noah was first born, I had these moments of sheer panic. We'd be out somewhere, someone would stop me to ask me about him and then would comment about how easy they were at that stage. All I could think was "It gets harder??" After the panic subsided I quickly decided that most of these people must not know what they were talking about; it couldn't possibly get more difficult than being completely and utterly responsible for this little child 24/7, with every three hour feedings and being up for endless hours at night, right? I was wrong. (Yes, you read that right, I am admitting I was wrong)

This new mobility thing has thrown a completely new wrench into the plan. It is not that it is more difficult, per se, it is just a new dimension. Before, he may have been a handful and there was tons to learn, but at least I knew if I put him on the floor for a minute or walked out of the room for something, when I got back he would be in relatively the same spot thirty seconds later. Even with the rolling (which he was getting very good at) I knew he could really only get so far in a short period of time. Now, not so much.

This morning, I was at my desk, working away as usual. Noah was playing with his toys on the floor, and I was checking on him occasionally over my shoulder to make sure he was still playing. Within a fifteen second period he went from playing in the middle of the room happily to this:

Later in the day, I was on the phone with my sister, Michelle. I was attempting to talk, curl my hair and keep an eye on the kiddo playing on the floor like such:

He seemed fairly content looking at his book. So as I continued to multi-task, I looked away for a few seconds. Cut to this:
I am in such trouble, I've decided... (hehe) I know I think at times that I have my hands full now (just like I did after he was first born) but I know that I'll have them even fuller eight months from now, and eight months from then, etc. Maybe fuller is not the best way to describe it. I've just exchanged one challenge (the struggles of dealing with a brand new baby) for another (mobility). I suppose they each have their moments that I completely want to pull my hair out and throw in the towel, but I signed up for the whole enchilada so now I'm just hanging on for the ride! Even when its difficult it is WORTH EVERY SECOND!

We think we found a bookshelf we liked at Target tonight. Hopefully we'll be getting it tomorrow so we can get it set up, finish emptying out the old office and then move the futon back there. We're thinking about getting some over-stuffed chairs or recliners for this front room, then. I'm so excited to watch it come together!

Alright, I should head out and see what else I can get accomplished around here before calling it a night. Enjoy the rest of the pictures!

Hey Mom, I'm in the big bed!

The kiddo and the doggy

Crawling even on the bed

Yes, that's really a lime he has (Judge if you will, but it kept him occupied for at least ten minutes and he didn't actually eat any of it)

Noah and Pippy

Do penguin noses go "honk honk"?

Shopping with Mommy & Daddy

My big kid

January 26, 2009

Cleaning Day

What a whirlwind couple of days! We finally got the painting done in the front room yesterday and moved the desk. I am so excited to have a "new office" It was great to have more room for Noah to play (and give Mommy time to get actual work done!) and have a place to focus my energy.

Then the rest of the day I worked on moving stuff from the old office to the new office/reading room. The old office had unfortunately become a dumping ground, so it's been a long day of work! Even more to get done tomorrow!

Alright, I know I'm not too interesting tonight (its fatigue) so I'm going to cut this short. Here's to a great week! Enjoy the pictures!!

Mmm, snack time!

My Bella

Almost finished!

Noah cruising around the new front room

Paint! (It is way darker than it looks in this picture)

Noah and Daddy playing

My boys

Look at all the play room I've got, Mom!

So happy for the room to play :)

Snacking (yes, the kid is always eating!)

Aren't I cute, Mom?

Post-cookie time

Grinning monkey

Red pants!

In the old office, helping me clean

Nice puppy!

I finally found someone who can use my tambourine!

He's got rhythm