October 30, 2008

Happy Dance

I'd say today calls for a Happy Dance! See Noah's happy dance at the end of the post. In the meantime, just picture me doing the cabbage patch or the lawnmower or the the running man or the crazy white girl dance ;-) God is Good!!! Can I get an AMEN? (I can suddenly hear the song in my head. You know which one I'm talking about ;-) )

Today has been so good that I'm not even going to bore you with my long-windedness. (I heard that sigh of relief!) Just bring on the pictures of the cute kid, I say! Before that, maybe one more happy dance... LOVE YOU!

Doesn't he look like such a "big kid" today

Munching on those rings again

My little cheese ball

Playing so much would tucker anyone out!

Who me, Mom?

October 29, 2008


So as I jokingly said for the past couple of days, it's getting cold here in Florida! Last night it got down to 43 degrees. I know to everyone in the midwest, that's nothing, but down here that's downright cold! The high here today was only 68. And it was GORGEOUS :-)

Noah, Bella and I ended up taking a long walk when I (finally!) got off work today. It was so nice to be outside and not be sweating as soon as I left the house. In fact, we were enjoying outside s much that when we got home I took the high chair out on the back patio and we sat outside for awhile. It was wonderful!

Otherwise, the day's been pretty good around here. Grant's home and we're chilling with the kiddo tonight. Noah is wearing long sleeves, overalls and socks again today. Noah wearing socks all day should tell you about the weather down here :-) (The kid hates socks)

We are thinking of our favorite people in Ohio tomorrow. Know that we're praying and sending lots of love!! Enjoy the pictures, all :)

Noah staying warm this morning

Noah and his blankie

The thermostat in the house at 9:30am

Tasty rings

Noah outside :-)

My Noah

How many rings can he get in his mouth at once?

Bella got to come outside, too!

October 28, 2008

For the Mama

It's been a rough day. I can't put my finger on why exactly, but it's been a long day... But like usual, the kiddo made it better. Him and my Mom. Thanks for listening to me rant and rave earlier, Mom. I don't know what super mom gene you have (I think you don't graduate to Super Mom level until you have at least four children) but you always know just what to say to make things seem not nearly as rough as it was before. God Bless Mom.

Too tired to post anything else tonight, but there's lots of pictures. Here's KNOWING that tomorrow will be better :-)

Noah the ham (the kid starts smiling now as soon as the camera comes out)

Noah eating his exer-saucer

There's these knobs on the ball and he has become infatuated with them

I know, three pictures, but he was cracking me up. I'd give him his binky and he'd spit it out and go back and suck on the ball again

Mmmm, rice and sweet potatoes

Mmmm, Mommy!

Pure happiness

October 27, 2008

Trunk or Treat!

So tonight was Trunk or Treat at the Church. Even though Noah is too little to trick or treat (see list below) we thought it would be fun to go and hand out candy and see all the great costumes the little kids had on. We went through a ton of candy and easily had probably 300 kids come to our car. And while I had a great time, I do have to say that I believe the following list should NOT be trick or treating

1. If you can legally drive a car by yourself go buy your own candy
2. If your cup size is larger than mine now that I'm nursing, you should not be trick or treating
3. If you are an adult trick or treating for your child who has no teeth you should be ashamed of yourself
4. If you have no costume, I have no candy for you
5. If you are an adult and carrying a bag around for "the kid that is still in the car" get a life - who's watching the kid?

OK, enough of my rant. We had a great time and had the cutest kid there. (Who didn't trick or treat by the way) It's supposed to get really cold tonight (in the 40's, the high tomorrow is 65) so if you live in Florida make sure to check on the old people. Hope that you enjoy the pictures!

Grant in the middle of Noah's bath (We're not sure who ended up wetter...)

My adorable tiger! (The pink didn't stay on his nose long)


Noah the tiger and Daddy

Sexy black cat!

With attitude this time!

Noah and Mommy

Two cats :-)

One of the cars at Trunk or treat

Noah and I passing out candy

Noah "helped"

They really get into decorating the cars down here

After all the candy was handed out I could literally smell the sugar oozing out of the pores of all the kids

Tons of cars, the Church in the background

Another baby animal - this was a giraffe

Baby lion meets baby tiger

Cool car decorations as it got dark

Feeding time

Noah and me being fierce

One tuckered out tiger

This was some video from last night's bath that I thought you might enjoy :-)

October 26, 2008

The return of Meg O'Malley's!

As Grant so appropriately stated in the car tonight "I feel like order has been restored to the world; Meg O' Malley's is open again!" Last April everyone down here was devastated to learn of the fire that swept through Meg O'Malley's, the local Irish pub. It is a favorite of the Florida gang down here as the food is fabulous and the atmosphere is always a lot of fun. Originally, we had heard that the repairs were only to take a few months at most. But six months later we were still waiting... As of earlier this week they have had a "soft" re-opening and will officially be up and running with a Grand re-opening next weekend for the annual Meg O' Ween. The majority of us went and had dinner there tonight and found that it was just as good as we all had remembered. Yay for Meg O'Malley's being open again!!!

Today we also went and hung out the Kunkle's for awhile to try out the new Guitar Hero, which is must like Rock Band now and has all the instruments. I have to say with my very minimal experience that I prefer Rock Band... Though the new drums for Guitar Hero (which have two "cymbals") look pretty neat and got rave reviews from the guys. Fortunately, I'm not overly into video games and am just as content to watch everyone else play while doing something else.

Grant took Noah and Bella on a walk this morning as the weather has cooled down a little bit and the humidity dropped again. They're already "warning" that it's to get into the 40's tomorrow night - make sure to check on the old people ;-) (Which is nearly every other house down here) It was cute to watch them walking down the street together.

Yesterday we went over to Chris' to eat all the ribs left from the Harris new grad event last weekend :-) And we also played some games. I actually played Risk for the very first time and got my butt kicked of course by all the boys. It was good to hang out with everyone and play games. The ribs were fantastic, which coming from me is saying something since I'm not necessarily a huge rib fan.

The real fun happened when we got home, though. Bella had gotten into the candy dish and was literally racing around the house in circles. She was on a huge sugar high! I've never seen her so wired before. Bless Grant for running her around the house for awhile before coming to bed :-)

Alright, as you can see it's been a busy weekend and I've still got plenty to do before going to bed for the evening. Tomorrow is trunk or treat at the Church so I'm sure we'll have lots and lots of great pictures. Noah asked me to send a shout-out to Papa Larry for being a trooper and to send lots and lots of hugs and kisses. Enjoy the pictures!!

Noah getting ready for his walk with Daddy and Bella

My boys hanging out

Noah hanging out

"The Band" for Guitar Hero (the back of Grant's head, Arthur, Daniel, Justin and Thomas)

Arthur, Daniel, Justin and Thomas "rocking out"

Daddy and Noah at the Kunkle's

Grant with a Noah hat

Noah and Beth at Meg O'Malley's

Kristina, Arthur and Beth at Meg O'Malley's

Noah at Meg O'Malley's for the first time!