October 25, 2008

The Party!

I have to start this by saying that a year ago yesterday Grant and I found out we were pregnant. That definitely doesn't seem possible! And now we've got this squirmy, giggling, drooling kiddo :-) Last year's Halloween party was when we told the "Florida Family" we were going to have a little Noah Joe. I had made wassail and told them it wasn't spike with brandy for me :-) I teased everyone again last night that the wassail I made again wasn't spiked. It wasn't, but not for any particular reason this year :-)

We had lots of fun with everyone last night! The pumpkins turned out great, there was plenty of food and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Noah was the cutest tiger ever! (Ok, I may be a little bias.....

Anyway, tons of pictures!! Enjoy!

The stuffed goodie bags!


The smorgasbord pre-party

Me and the little tiger

Mommy and Noah

Noah taking a 'cat nap'

Mmmmm, Aunt Beth finger

Noah taking a bite out of Aunt Beth

Noah helping carve pumpkins


Noah, Grant and Dan

Thomas and Kristina

Grant eating some Noah belly

Chris, Justin, Kristina and Beth


Dan and Thomas

The Gatchel's

Noah and Mrs. Martin


Phillip, Justin, Kristina, Beth and Chris

Thomas, Dan, Nathan and Arthur

Me and Noah

Noah and his Mama

Kristi and the kiddo

The pumpkins (not sure what Grant's doing back there)

The pumpkins again

Didn't everyone do a great job??

Bella hiding during the party

Where's Bella?

Hiding puppy

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