October 08, 2008


Today we went to Wal-Mart to get the fixings for dinner. We were in line, waiting to check out and Noah and I were playing peek-a-boo. Over the past few weeks he's suddenly decided that this is a pretty funny game. So we're playing, and I "boo" at him, catching him off guard and he jumps and then giggle hysterically. Apparently Noah likes to be scared!

Otherwise, it's been a good day! I worked, ran errands, came home and made M&M cookies (yum) and then Beth came over to hang out for the evening. Yay for adult conversation for awhile!

Noah, on the other hand, has been kind of a handful today. For some reason he's decided he's not taking a nap anymore. As in ever... He didn't nap this morning, he didn't nap this afternoon, I'm not sure exactly what his issue is. Though other than a brief cranky period tonight he's been in a decent mood. What a silly kid...

I know it's not a picture, but the video above is worth lots and lots of pictures :)

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