October 20, 2008

Treats from Aunt Sarah!

Another Monday, back to work and the daily grind :-) It was a busy weekend but I was glad to be back at work today.

Noah was excited to get mail from Aunt Sarah today! There's pictures of below of all the fantastic stuff she sent. Peas and bananas - woo hoo! He also got light up socks which he is infatuated with. Every time he moves his feet they light up. I had a hard time getting a good picture of him in them since all he wanted to do was look at his feet! Thanks for all the goodies, Aunt Sarah.

Noah has started to get the idea of walking. If you hold him up he picks up one foot and then the other and leans forward. So Grant is holding him and "walking" him across the room. And the funny part is that if you pick him up off the floor his legs keep moving. It reminds me of when you pick a duck up out of the water how it keeps moving its feet like it's swimming. That's Noah now :)

I've been busy getting ready and gathering ideas for the pumpkin carving party here on Friday night. Like usual I'm probably in over my head, but it's all good. Still trying to decide what to make for dinner, though...

OK, I'm off for the night. Hope the pictures aren't disturbing or creepy, Shell ;-)

The re-arranged living room from the right

The re-arranged living room from the left

The box from Aunt Sarah!

Thanks Aunt Sarah!!

Noah and his puppy, Lucky (He likes the ears, just like his Mama)

Daddy finally put his foot down and bought a Snugli

Noah and his card from Aunt Sarah

Mom, how come my feet are flashing??

Bella, what's up with my feet??

Oooh, pretty lights, Mama!

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