October 21, 2008

"Cold" enough for socks!

I have this weird feet thing. My feet determine the temperature of the rest of my body. When my feet are hot the rest of me is hot. When my feet are cold the rest of me is freezing. Today, for the first time this season (and I use that term extremely loosely being as there really are no seasons in Florida) I got up this morning and had to put on socks because I was cold! Fear not though, I was sockless again by lunch time (hehe)

Noah and I went on a shopping excursion today for our party on Friday night, and as Grant said when he got home "What did you do, buy half of Wal-Mart?" No, I didn't, but I did perhaps go a little overboard.... See the pictures below if you don't believe me :-)

Thanks for the chili suggestion Daddy - that's what we're going to do. Chili and a big pot of Chicken and Noodles (like from Bob Evans) so that everyone can pick what they want. I'm also elbow deep in the goodie bags. It should be a good party!

Alright, I'm off for the evening. Enjoy the pictures!!

Note the drool...

Mommy's going to be a Tiger, too!

Thanks for the great shirt, Aunt Brie!

Some of the goodies for Friday

Grinning little boy

Doesn't he look like Grant?

Noah and Bella are buddies

Hey there, Mama!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The feet thing is the same for me!! I am wearing slippers still and it's 11:10am!! Hopefully they come off soon though- we do live in southern California! :-)