August 04, 2009

Back to Normal

Not much time to post tonight (I've got two projects I'm working on that have a rapidly approaching deadline...) but I wanted to get the promised pictures up at least.

Noah and I spent most of the day cleaning the house and doing the laundry. The kid is great at helping with the laundry! He likes to take things from the washing machine and put them in the dryer. Hey, one less step for Mama sounds good to me. He was also helping unpack the rest of the suitcases, that was... helpful... Mostly, the kiddo was good for the day which made the prospect of straightening up after vacation a little less daunting, at least.

Alright, like I said, off to work on my projects. You know it's big when I've even roped in Grant to help ;-) Pictures of both later this week hopefully. Until then; enjoy the pictures :)

Noah trying to drink out of a sealed water bottle (I'm probably a bad mom, but it kept him occupied)

How come this isn't working, Mom?

He was then blow drying his hair

And then curling it

Introducing - Baby G 2.0!!!

And their feet!

Big feet for such a tiny baby, I'm thinking...

Anyone want to make a gender guess now?


Mama said...

It looks so odd to see Noah in long pants - all I can think of is how warm it was! Isn't Florida farther south than South Carolina?

Anonymous said...

I think he looks a wee bit like his Aunt Sarah in a couple of those pictures :)