June 21, 2010

New Beds!

My poor little Mama heart almost broke yesterday. It was a day for A LOT of changes! First, because of Mikayla's new schedule, we decided it was time for the kiddos to start sharing a room. So we went out and got Mikayla's new crib! Since we were already busy setting that up and re-establishing Noah's room, we decided it was probably about time for Noah to be in a big boy bed as well. So off came the side of Noah's crib! Then, because that wasn't quite enough ;-) we also took down and put away the cradle (something I didn't do after I moved Noah into a crib. Not sure why, just never bothered) and we brought in the high chair for Mikayla to start using. I'm still adjusting... Oh, and for what it's worth, they both did really well and slept all night. Haven't had any problems with Noah getting out of bed by himself (yet), either.

Noah in his big boy bed

Mikayla's animals ready for her

Mikayla's new crib

Noah's bed sans Noah

I can't believe he's big enough for this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you own two cribs . . . . They look wonderful!