February 28, 2011

End of February Already?

I can't believe today is the last day of February? Where has this month gone?? Didn't I just say that about January? I'm so excited that my mom comes in Friday and that this time next week we'll be getting ready to leave for Ohio. How is that possible?

I ddin't take any pictures today but I think I forgot to post these that follow the other night. Hopefully tomorrow I'll do better :-p Until then...

Noah was reading Good Night Moon to Mikayla and All Star bear. It is too cute that he actually knows the majority of the book!

Mikayla post swiss cake roll :-p



Fremont Mama said...

Mikayla - Papa and I just bought some Swiss cake rolls the other day and have been enjoying them, too! Isn't the cream the best? Noah - I can't wait for you to read to me! Love you!

Kristina said...

I adore Goodnight Moon! Good taste! :)