February 23, 2011


Have to spend the beginning of this post bragging up my big boy - Noah went all day today without any accidents! Including nap time!!!! Yay! We were even out of the house this morning at the store and a trip to the park for a picnic (he used the big potty while we were out!) I am so proud of him :) As my mom said, it was like a light came on in him. I can actually tell that he gets it. It is ridiculously adorable to hear "Mama, may I go pee pee on the potty?" Can you tell that I'm one really thrilled Mama right now??? :-D

Otherwise, we had a fabulous time going to the park for a picnic today. The kids had a great time with lunch and then playing. As I've mentioned before, Mikayla thinks she's much bigger than she actually is and today was no exception. She's climbing up slides, crawling through tunnels and getting into everything! I have to say that she is so different from Noah. She is absolutely FEARLESS. Noah would have to be prodded into doing any of those things. Mikayla just goes after it. I think it is because she doesn't want to be left behind. She spends most of her time chasing after Noah which she seems perfectly content with at this point. It is so wonderful to see the way each of them is putting out their own personality.

Until tomorrow....

All of a sudden I hear "Mama, I was keeping my eyes peeled and I see a turtle!"

He did actually get brave enough to touch the turtle after I convinced him it was OK

Yummy lunch at the park

Mikayla, too!

Giving All Star Bear a ride on the swing

He told me he was being a frog

And she's off!

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