November 30, 2008

Christmas is coming

Sometimes Florida is depressing. Yes, you read that right; Florida can be depressing. All that sunshine and sparkle gets old after awhile, and I just want some good old fall colors or a snow storm! So because I have no control over the weather outside, the Gatchel crew today started bringing Florida into our house!

We put up our tree today and hung up the rest of the decorations inside. I've got to say, it helped a little. I think the thought that we'll be back in the mid-west in a few weeks is helping, too ;-)

So I have lots and lots of pictures to share today. Noah enjoyed helping with the tree and his Mommy definitely enjoyed taking pictures of him. Can't believe that tomorrow is the firs tday of December already! Enjoy the pictures, all!

Noah munching away this morning

Bella roo

My engineer putting up the lights

The tornado just north of us today prevented him from getting the lights up

Gatchel family stockings

Noah and Bella

Grant and Kristi

Noah and Daddy (I think he looks like his Aunt Sarah in this picture)

Noah with his new favorite blankie

Noah all cuddled up

Aren't I cute?

Look at me!

Sitting next to the tree

Just before toppling over

Oh Noah tree, oh Noah tree

Deck the halls with boughs of Noah

Noah all lit up

Noah with his first ornament (Cookie Monster)

Noah and Daddy hanging his ornament

Cookie Monster going on the tree

Noah was being most helpful

He was so proud he helped!

1 comment:

Shellie said...

Though I'm sure you're quite excited about your tree, can I just say that it's just not Christmas with a fake tree...