November 11, 2008

Ohio Pictures

Noah and I made it safely back to Florida on Sunday night. We enjoyed seeing everyone in Ohio, though are hoping for happier circumstances next time. Thanks again, Mom and Dad for having us. Lots of love to all of you back there!

Noah with Aunt Shellie and Uncle Scott

Yummy foot

Before the poo pit stop on the side of the road...

Noah and Papa Larry

It's hard to say who enjoyed this more :-)

Noah and his Great Papa Bevens

Quite the pair!

Noah and his Great Grandma Bevens (he loved her polka dot tie)

Scott and Tipper

Scott and the "big black monster"

Michelle, Dudley and Daddy

Mr. Scott and Sarah

Dad, Mom and Scott


Sleeping in a Michigan blanket - GO BLUE!


Ohio was Cold!!

Aunt Shellie putting together the bouncer

3 hours later... (just kidding, Shell!)

Food time with Aunt Sarah and Mr. Scott

If I finish my peas can I bounce?

Bouncing with no pants

Thanks Papa for the cool bouncer!!

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