November 15, 2008


As promised, we went up to Cocoa Beach last night to watch what very well could be the last night launch of one of the space shuttles. It was absolutely spectacular. Our camera honestly doesn't do any justice to how amazing it really is. The whole night lights up like the middle of the day. And the people are so excited! Everyone hoots and hollers and stands there until you can't see anything anymore, which can take awhile at night.

Noah got to come to his first launch as well. He loved being out on the beach with everyone and was in a great mood, laughing and making tons of noise. It's great that some day we'll be able to tell him he was there, too!

Alright, tons to do here today before we leave for the concert. We're going to Orlando so it'll be late before we get back, so I'll try to post any pictures tomorrow. Happy weekend!
My cookie monster

Is there any more, Mom?

The moon on the ocean

Noah and Grant

Noah and Mommy

The view where you can first see the shuttle before (It appears off to the right of those buildings)

Ten seconds after launch

We can almost see it!

Space shuttle Endeavour

Continuing to rise

About 25-30 seconds after launch

Still going up

More shuttle pictures

One minute after launch

Moon to the right, shuttle to the left

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