November 02, 2008

No Camera....

Yes, I'm posting a little late again. Not only was it kind of late when we got home last night, but then on top of it I realized the camera had been left at Beth and Dan's. So unfortunately, no pictures with this post.

So you get a cute story instead. Bella doesn't get quite the face time she deserves around here, so we'll make it a Bella story.

The other day I was in our bedroom, trying to make the bed, which is always complicated because it's one of Bella's favorite perches during the day. So to get her down I asked her to go check on Noah, who was in the nursery taking his snoozie. She went off, I finished my chore and realized she'd never come back. I started looking around he house only to find her still in the nursery laying down in front of the crib "watching over" Noah. Those two are so cute together. Once Noah is more mobile I have a feeling they'll spend hours entertaining each other.

Speaking of being mobile, I think we're getting closer to crawling. The kiddo can now sit on his own for a least a little while. I'm not sure if he's really sitting or just being supported by his giant belly falling on his lap. He's still working on the balancing aspect of it, and it's hard to get him to want to sit as he'd rather be standing on on his belly. He's such a boy; always in motion.

Alright, well I'm off to try to make something of my day. I'm hoping to accomplish some Christmas shopping, or at least return the stuff I bought yesterday that apparently people already have. (Love you, Mom!) I'm hoping to get my camera back today and have pictures up tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm just going to take a min. to let you know how much the Rantoul, IL Bryants are enjoying the blog. I love seeing the new pics & videos every day. I love reading you insight into being a parent. We need more pics and videos of you, Grant & Bella. We love you both a ton. We can't wait to see you in December. Prayers for Gramma Koz. Comfort & peace thoughts to Larry & Sue. Hugs. ckb