May 11, 2009

Monday, Monday, Monday...

I am not a fan of Monday's. They feel unnatural to me for some reason. You've just had this great relaxing weekend and you suddenly find yourself back to the daily grind. The same old same old... So instead of being cranky that it's Monday, today I'm going to be thankful that...

- This May 11th we didn't have a repeat of last May 11th
- The doggie's paw seems better and she went on a two mile walk with the kiddo and I
- I got to go for a run this morning before anyone else was even awake
- The new park is very cool and only about 4 minutes from the house (driving still, and no sidewalk there...)
- It rained for nearly 20 minutes today
- The rain dropped the temperature to under 90 :-p
- The shuttle took off successfully (even though I didn't get to see it)
- They're shipping out Grant's project tomorrow so this means he's going to be home on time now, right?
- Only one week 'til Noah's birthday
- Only 9 days 'til Ohio
- Sarah's apartment didn't burn down
- I got to use my grill pan tonight
- I get to do bath time tonight because Grant's not home

Did I miss anything? I'm sure I did, but gee that's a lot to be thankful for just today. I think I've got the Monday blahs just because I'm thinking of all the other things that need to get done this week. Anyone want to come watch my kiddo for a day so I can take a mental health day? ;-)

Alright, I'm in charge and Noah is screeching at me (I think that means he wants my attention, what do you think?) So I've got to cut this short. More tomorrow. Until then, enjoy the pictures!

What a face...

If only it were always this quiet...


Shellie said...

I'll take him!!!

Mama said...

Me, too! Me, too!