February 17, 2009

Another Tuesday

So tomorrow Noah goes to the Pediatrician for his nine month check-up. Nine months, can you believe it? Anyone have any "dumb" questions that I should ask? Last time I asked about ADD, I'm sure I can somehow top that ;-)

So the sad news of the night is no chair tonight. Grant got home late and there just wasn't enough time to go and get it before Noah needed his bath. I guess I can hold out for the chair if it means not having a stinky baby. *Sigh* the trials of being a parent...

The kiddo, dog and I went for a long walk again today. It's been gorgeous here the past few days, just in the low seventies. Perfect for an hour long stroll with my two kiddos. Bella is in doggy heaven getting all these really long walks lately. We worked with her a lot before Noah was born so she would walk next to the stroller and she has been doing a fabulous job. It is not nearly as much as a handful as I anticipated taking both of them. Plus the sunshine does us all good.

Sorry, but I'm going to cut this short. I haven't talked to my Mama in a few days and I'm thinking I need to get on that here shortly. Three or four days without a long chat with my Mom is pretty much torture for me. Don't forget to check out the post below about the new changes to the blog. Enjoy the pictures!


What a face!

Mom, can we go for another walk? (He pulled himself up there by himself)


Shellie said...

I think it would be better in pink...

Kristi said...

We're not a very pink family, Shell. You should start your own pink blog!

Shellie said...

That's unfortunate...
As far as starting my own blog...I would never do that to the people I love...everyday it would say the same thing! I went to work! That's about it!