February 02, 2009

Something to look forward to

I'm one of those people that always is thinking about what's next. OK, great, we accomplished what we set out to do; what's next? I always need something to shoot for, a goal in mind, a target to hit before we can jump that next hurdle.

The same thing is true for me with the big events I look forward to. I spent from Noah's baptism forward looking forward to going home for Christmas and seeing everyone in Ohio and Illinois. I had a little weekly countdown, it kept reminding me of the good things to come.

Well since we've gotten back, I haven't had much to seriously look forward to. I mean a big goal. Then today that changed - Sarah's coming to visit!!! YAY!

Next month Sarah will be in town for a little less than a week to hang out with us Florida Gatchel's. Maybe I can convince her to move down here.... (Just kidding, Sar, no worries ;-) )

So it was a good typical weekend. We spent lots of time with the Florida crew and then watching the big game. Was anyone else sorely disappointed in the majority of the commercials? And honestly, it was kind of a slow game until the fourth quarter. I was somewhat sad to see the Steelers triumph, if for no other reason than that the Cardinals were the underdog.

Alright, I'm off for the evening. Check out the previous post for some video of Noah crawling. Sorry there's not too many pictures, I forgot the camera for most of the weekend. More this week, I promise ;-)

My boys

Squish squish squish

Look Mom, I walked over here to see you!

What do you mean I can't have another cookie?

Dog Warden, please let me out of the baby jail!

I think I can, I think I can

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