April 05, 2009

Another day, another year older :)

So today is my birthday. And I have officially had one of the best birthdays I can recently remember. The Florida Family made the day fabulous and got me one of the best gifts ever!

Ever since we moved into our house, I have absolutely hated the landscaping out front. These awful bushes that split into funky directions were taking over my front lawn and making the house look really awful. I'm sure the gang down here got tired of listening me whine about how awful I thought they looked without me taking any action to do something about it.

So yesterday Kristina came and "kidnapped" me for the afternoon. I told her I was just along for the ride and didn't want to know where we were going. So we're driving along, and I'm discussing something with Kristina and we pull into the Lowe's parking lot. I was a little thrown, so I think my conversation started making even less sense than usual (hehe). Then she pulls into a parking space and I'm officially confused. She then told me that we were there to buy new plants and materials to re-landscape my front yard! And a huge bonus - the guys were all going to come over and rip out the old bushes and re-plant everything! Words cannot honestly describe how excited I was. As I jokingly said, they didn't even have to strong arm me about the gift, which was proof how much I really hated those bushes!

So Kristina and I plant shopped and then she went with me to get my hair cut and highlighted. It looks fabulous (if I can brag about myself) I got red highlights and it makes me look completely different. I am so thrilled with it! What a great change to usher in 26...

So this afternoon all of "the fam" showed up to start to work on the landscaping. If all this wasn't fabulous enough, us girls didn't even have to help and we actually went and got pedicures. What a fantastic day :)

In appreciation for the fantastic job everyone did, I made dinner here (Grant grilled BBQ chicken - it was awesome!) and as I write, some of the gang is still here involved in a great game of Risk. Have I mentioned that I really had a great birthday? And everyone down here, if I didn't tell you enough (which I think I did ;) ) I am SO excited about this gift and so appreciative of all the hard work it took. You have no idea how happy this made me. It is something that would have taken us quite a while to get to, and I would have put it off for a long time for the other necessities that come up around here. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! You are all wonderful!

Alright, I want to get back to the people that are still here. I took plenty of pictures today to show just how wonderful of a job everyone did. I hope you enjoy them as much as I am enjoying seeing the change to my house. It has been a great birthday weekend. More tomorrow when we get back to the usual humdrum ;-) Enjoy the picutres!

Noah and his juiceAlign Center

A kid after his mommy heart (playing with a ball of yarn)

Kristina gleefully pulls out a bush

Arthur takes his shovel to the bushes

Bye bye bushes!

Me (and my new red hair) over-seeing the progress

Chris does his part to help destroy the bushes

Thomas (bless him) even pulled out all the weeds that were taking over the side of the house (have I mentioned lately that I love my friends?)

Noah attacks Uncle Chris

Bella joins the attack

Progress is being made!

Pretty hibiscus

To the right of the garage before

They water the window with Noah watching

Noah is not happy about the window watering

The guys working really hard

Daddy and Noah "help"

Thomas taking a break

My hibiscus are planted

Chris planty hibiscus (in the background) with Thomas looking on and Arthur grinning at the camera man

Daddy and Noah 2.0

Phil, Arthur and Thomas work on the flowers to the right of the garage

My new pretty yellow lilies

Thomas did a great job planting begonias around the tree out front

Don't the pavers look great! The flowers that aren't open (between the orange ones) will be pink lilies

The hibiscus planted, with mulch and bordered in!

Still working away!


Chris Dunkel said...

I'm glad you like your new garden! It was fun to get out and do some work outside. It makes those cold beers and good food afterward all the better :).

Chris Dunkel said...

Oh, I just noticed, but what makes the picture of Noah crying even funnier (wow, that sounds terrible of me) is Daniel giving a thumbs-up in the background.

Kristi said...

Hehe, that's so funny I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out!

Caren "Kay" said...

I am so happy for you that you have such wonderful blessings in the form of your FL family. Glad you had a great day. We'll need close ups of the hair.