April 07, 2009

Windy Florida

What a blustery day down here in Florida! (Again, not complaining all you people dealing with snow, just a statement ;) ) I took the kiddo and the doggie for a long walk this afternoon and I was afraid I was going to get blown away. That scene in Mary Poppins where all the nannies blow away kept running through my head as I pushed the stroller at a good clip through the neighborhood.

We just got back from an exploration of the new Hammock Landing in West Melbourne (might as well be Palm Bay) The first phase has been completed, and now we have a Kohl's, Michaels, Pet Smart, HHGregg and eventually a Target here soon up at the next exit. (Still ridiculously bummed out it's not going to be a Super Target) Apparently this is les than 20% of what they actually have planned for this place. I'm excited to have an outdoorsy type shopping center within a ten minute drive of the house. Still wish it was a Super Target... ;)

On the way home, we were working on animal noises with Noah. And I've got to tell you; the kid is officially a genius. Grant asked him what the cow said and he pushed the cow button (which says moo of course) on his little play mat! Granted, when he then asked him what the pig said he pushed the cow again, but it was dark, cut the kid some slack! (hehehehe) He's getting really good at repeating sounds that you make and it keeps him (and us) entertained in the car. Him roaring like a lion has to be one of the cutest things ever.

Alright, well the kiddo is just getting out of the bath, which means he's going ot be needing me shortly. Can't believe tomorrow is Wednesday already. And since it's a short work week for me, it's kind of like a Thursday. Noah and I are going to Ryckman park tomorrow for a playdate, which is a park beachside. Very excited for that. In the meantime, I'm outta here. Enjoy the pictures!

Noah and Daddy wrestling

Noah peeking at me from over the edge of the bed

Noah likes the new landscaping, too!

Some of my pink lilies are starting to open :)

Noah decided to help me make dinner

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