April 02, 2009

Drawers, Cupboards and Nakedness...

Lately, my 10 month old has been becoming more and more curious. He wants to explore and see EVERYTHING. If it opens, he'll figure out how to get it open. If he shouldn't be in it, he will ultimately find it and make a mess. He is everywhere!

For some reason, he really likes the bottom drawer of my dresser. I've got an odd assortment of pjs, work-out shorts and belts in there. He literally had everything out of the drawer and all over my bedroom floor in the thirty seconds I looked away from him this afternoon. I wish I had my camera ready to get a picture of him amid all the mess.

If that's all not enough, he has also discovered he can open the cupboards that are at his height. And of course, those are the ones that are filled with dog food, cleaning supplies and heavy pots and pans. He doesn't really want to take the things out of the cupboards, just open the doors and stick his head in. Sounds like it's time to bust out the childproofing kit Grant bought a few weeks ago...

Then, to top it all off, Noah has now decided that every time he takes a nap he needs to take his pants off. Don't ask me, I have no idea. But nearly every time I go in to check on him, he has no pants on. Anyone else have any experience with this? I get it for a kid that's a little bit older, but does my 10 month old have a nudist streak? I honestly think he's just out to drive me crazy ;-)

I can't believe tomorrow is already the end of the week. No big plans for the weekend, I think, so hopefully I'll have lots of pictures to put up. I'm out for the evening. Enjoy the pictures!

Look how many I can put in my mouth at once, Mom!

Cheese monkey

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