April 30, 2009

Ready for the weekend

Part of me feels like this week has absolutely flown by. The other (more critical part) keeps thinking "is this EVER going to end?" I feel like it's just been one thing after the other this week. And while it's kept things interesting, I'd really just love a few days of quiet.

Okay, enough of my whining. Overall, we had a good day around here. Noah and I went over to Miesje's house to have lunch with her and Coen. The boys are (for the most part) really good about playing together. And like I've mentioned before, I think Coen is a good influence on Noah. He seems to be trying to new things and being a little more adventuresome. Maybe he will walk before he's twenty... ;-) They seem to like each other, especially Noah. He lights up every time he sees Coen. And the fact that us Mom's get to hang out for a couple hours is just icing on the cake...

Sorry there was no blog yesterday, but we were going non-stop then, too. Noah and I ended up running a few errands and then meeting Beth at the mall for coffee in the afternoon. By the time I rolled in at 6, I still had some more shopping I needed to get done, so I left the kiddo with Grant and went back out shopping. I then ended up on the phone with Mom (finally!) for awhile, and was pretty much spent by the time we hung up. You know it's been a long day when you don't get dinner until well after 9pm...

I can't believe tomorrow's the first of May. Happy May Day, everyone :) Until then, I should head out and get my kiddo in the bath before I head over to the Kunkle's to watch Grey's Anatomy tonight. More tomorrow. 'Til then, enjoy the pictures :)

Dude, are you done yet?

Still waiting for Coen

Noah liked the lion

Playing in Coen's tent


Noah really liked the tent

At the end of the tunnel

He crawled through!

And back again

And back to Mommy, one more time


Anonymous said...

The tunnel pictures look familiar....like when we were little in our clown outfits crawling through similar tunnels....haha

Shellie said...

I have good news!! The 25th is Memorial Day, and we've decided to close the restaurant!! I know that's the day you fly out, but it's even better now cause I won't have to worry about being back for work!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!