April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone! Hope that you had as great of a day as we did here. It was filled with family, friends and lots of food. Who could ask for anything more?

The Easter bunny did make a visit to our house this morning as well, so lots of fun stuff for Noah and some treats for everyone else :) After a HUGE breakfast (I love to cook when it's for more than just the two of us) we were off to mass. St. Joe's had a really nice service this morning and I was glad we got there so early; it was packed. They actually had mass in the church, and another mass starting ten minutes after the regular mass time in the parish hall. (So there were basically double masses all morning) We fortunately got there in plenty of time to get a seat in the church. Noah behaved (for the most part) so I guess we'll keep him ;-)

This afternoon everyone that stuck around here came over and we had a potluck kind of dinner. There are tons of pictures of Noah below eating his Easter dinner. The kid ate more than anyone else here, I think. It was non-stop potatoes, mac & cheese, corn and even a bit of kielbasa. It honestly made me a little nauseous to watch him pack it away.

Now the boys are watching The Departed while I blog. Overall, a great day. There's discussion of a trip to the beach tomorrow (Noah got sand toys from the Fremont Easter bunny) so we'll see how than pans out. Hope that everyone else had an enjoyable Easter as well. Enjoy the pictures :)
The Easter bunny visited!

Noah playing with his new toys after Church

My hibiscus bloomed this morning!

Another one of my lilies opened up. This one is really red

Mmm, lots of fruit and veggies

The boys watch The Masters before company arrives

Noah snacking away

Noah on his first course

Mmm, mac and cheese!

Shoveling in the potatoes

What a cheese ball

It's possible he got just as much on him as in him

Grinning for the camera

Still eating

Is there any more, Mom?

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