September 09, 2009

Baby what?

My big kid using a spoon!

Maybe a leftie like Uncle Scott?

I had every intention of blogging last night. I even sat down, turned on my computer, stuck in my photo card in the reader and was ready to go. But I opened Facebook just before I opened my blog program and everything went downhill from there.

I'm going to start this all by saying even modern science has its fair share of screw-ups. Giselle went for an ultrasound yesterday afternoon (yep, that kiddo is still staying put) only to find out that what they had told her was a girl back in April is actually a little boy! So I 'rallied the troops' so to speak last night and went to cheer her up for a bit. I know she's going to be an awesome Mama to a little boy! And now that we know it's Baby Ethan instead of Baby Brianna, maybe he'll get his act in gear and show up already! Anyway, that's the short story as to why I didn't get a blog up last night.

Otherwise I don't have too much exciting to report from here. We enjoyed the rest of our 3 day weekend and were bummed to head "back to reality" yesterday. Lucky Grant only has to work tomorrow and is off on Friday for the normal Harris Friday. I wish I got to work a 9/80 schedule ;-)

Noah's been good the past couple of days. I think he got a little too used to having Daddy around and has been missing him a little bit. Those two are so funny together...

Alright, I know I'm not super interesting tonight, but I've been fighting a migraine all day and now that Grant is home I think I might be turning in kind of early. Too much excitement yesterday even for me ;-) Until tomorrow then....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't imagine what that would be like for your friend! But she chose a GREAT name for her little boy. :-)