September 28, 2009

Turning the Monday blahs into productivity!

I know I've said before that I'm not really a fan of Monday's. I don't look forward to starting my work week again, delving back into the 'same old same old' Not that there really ever is any 'same old same old' around here if I am being perfectly honest with myself. There is honestly never a dull day around here. But you know what I mean.

So today, to beat the Monday blahs I decided it was going to be a productive day instead. I worked this morning, fed the kiddo lunch and then we were off to the lab for some blood work. They managed not to turn my arm purple this time, so that's always an added bonus ;-) I see the nephro on Thursday so we have to make sure that my potassium and magnesium levels are good. My blood pressure is currently looking fantastic (knocks all the wood in the room she can find) so hopefully this'll be just another routine appointment.

After the lab we went to Aldi's. Which made me remember how much I like going to Aldi's. No, not for everything on my grocery list, but to stock my pantry with all those odds and ends that it doesn't matter what they are or where they came from anyway. And my freezer. And Noah snacks. And all kinds of other things, too. Plus those treats that sometimes I know I really don't need, but want anyway. I've had a strawberry pop tart craving lately. I got 12 of them for $1.25 and no guilt at all. It was great ;-) I need to go to Aldi more often....

Then Noah and I stopped at Wal-Mart quickly to pick up a few other things I couldn't get before (we avoided eye contact) and headed home. I know none of this sounds super exciting, but considering I did my grocery shopping for about the next 2 weeks, it was great! And I got home totally over my Monday blahs :-p

Alright, I have a feeling I'm just rambling (imagine that) and I need to finish supervising bath time right now anyway. Last I heard Noah was scrubbing himself... Until tomorrow then :)
Noah after he tried to lift Daddy's 16 lb bowling ball...

The partners in crime

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