September 20, 2009

Happy Blog-o-versary!

Today is the one year anniversary of our happy little blog :) Just sending a special shout out to my Dad for giving me the idea to start this in the first place. I know I'm not always good about posting every day but I hope that if you're reading this you enjoying it :)

All that being said, I'm sorry I've been MIA for a few days. Thursday I took Noah to the zoo and met up with Miesje and Coen. We had a great time despite the heat. And the boys got to play in the water area for quite awhile because there wasn't a bazillion other kids to fend off. They really really enjoyed that. All that being said, I think that I over did it a little bit, and my back has really been bothering me since that. On Thursday night I wasn't really even able to move off the couch. If I haven't said it enough lately, thank goodness for Grant!

Friday night we went up the Hals' for the evening. The girls all went to dinner together and had some time for some good girl chat. Then back for some poker with the boys. Unfortunately Noah kept getting woken up while he was trying to sleep, so I ended up taking him home around 10:00 while Grant stayed and played poker. It was a fun night none the less.

Saturday was the Florida Family's Oktoberfest. I didn't get to partake in the drinking festivities, but had a good time anyway. We watched the Clemson game and fortunately Sarah was able to keep me up to date on the Michigan score via text messages. Then my boys and I came back and hung out here for the evening. Grant and I watched some football on and off, but mostly it was a quiet evening.

Today Grant went and helped one of his co-workers move to his new house this morning while Noah and I stayed home and cleaned the house and got the laundry finished. Noah really enjoys "helping" with the laundry. This is all well and good except his newest way to help is to throw the clean clothes in the garbage can. Grant and I then made the executive decision to go and get a garbage can with a lid :-p Not sure how long it will take him to figure out this one too (it's just like the one at Justin's house, people that live in Florida :-p) but I'm sure less than 24 hours... We were supposed to go have pizza with the co-worker that Grant helped move this morning, but it was a little too late for the kiddo, so I'm home with Noah, settling in to watch some of the Emmy's here shortly while Grant goes and eat pizza :) I suppose since he moved the boxes he should get to eat the pizza ;-)

Alright, I'm warning you now that I have not taken any pictures lately, so you'll just have to settle for the recap today. I will try to find and dig out my camera tomorrow. Until then...


Mama said...

Do you know how the Cookie Monster yells for cookies when he is really excited and needs cookies? Imagine that same voice yelling "PICTURES!!" My diet is woefully lacking in pictures of my loved ones down south. Sure will be happy to see them . . . . (Do I hear anyone else yelling for PICTURES!??!!?!)

Caren "Kay" said...

Pictures!! Pictures!! Me want some pictures!!!