September 13, 2009


What a weekend! I think it's going to take a whole week for my blood pressure to stabilize again! What a game! What multiple games, actually! Oy vey, I'm getting all worked up just thinking about it again :-p

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you obviously didn't see the Michigan vs. Notre Dame game on Saturday. Grant, Noah (appropriately decked out in his maize and blue) and I watched, yelled through, squirmed during the entire game on Saturday afternoon. There was not a second until it was over (and not even right after it was over as there was some controversy with the clock) that I actually felt like I was breathing normally. What a game...

And then, because life is so good, Ohio State lost to USC! Grant and I watched most of that game, too. I gave up with about 12 minutes into the fourth quarter as I was sure Ohio State was going to pull it off. And what a wonderful surprise when I got up this morning to hear that they had been shut down. Evil cackles.... Still smiling about that one...

We've had a lazy Sunday around here, just hanging out, watching some football, playing with the kiddo and not doing anything overly exciting. It was a quite weekend, but actually it was really good. I like when there's nothing that HAS to get done or any place we HAVE to be.

Alright, I need to head out for the night. Noah is being really cranky and I think it might be an early bedtime for the whiny child. Until tomorrow then...

Noah ready to cheer for the Wolverines!

Content to just hang out in his chair


Mama said...

My, is Noah's hair growing! GO BLUE!!

Shellie said...

Happy Baptism Godson!!!