March 23, 2009

Back from being MIA

Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. It's not that I've been overly busy, I've just been taking some personal time lately to sort out some things of my own. Sometimes, when I get into kind of a funk, I don't look forward to getting on here and posting just to post. And I really don't need to dump and unload and possibly say something I really didn't mean to share with everyone... Nothing bad going on, just needing to make some decisions for myself and taking a little space to do so. Onward and upward!!

That all being said, it's not like anything super interesting has been going on around here. We had a relatively low-key uneventful weekend. Friday I helped address invitations for Brie & Thomas' wedding. So excited for them!! Then Grant and I hung out here with the kiddo for the evening. Fortunately Grant's hours have subsided somewhat, but it was still really nice just to have a few hours to ourselves.

Saturday we picked up the house, and then decided to invite the gang over for dinner and board games. I made stuffed burgers (Thank you Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives) and I think they turned out pretty well. Who would have thought you could have such a good use for the lid off a jar of peanut butter? Food aside, I enjoyed having everyone over and playing some games. Do you really think Battle of the Sexes was written by a woman? (The guys say yes and that's why the female questions are so difficult for them to answer) I say we just know more stuff ;-)

Yesterday the weather changed and neither Grant or I felt very well. We actually spent most of the day vegging and I was working on a project I have to have finished by this weekend. I spent a solid eight hours on it I think and it's still not finished. Oy vey I tell ya...

Today was a typical Monday with Noah and I running errands. I bought some flowers and pots for inside my house since my husband thinks it's a silly idea to rip out the bushes in front and put in flowers. So I'm going to bring the flowers inside then... First step is to paint the pots to make them match my kitchen, though. I'm also going to plant some fresh herbs to use in my cooking, I'm thinking.

So like I said, nothing too exciting. I'm sorry to anyone who's missed us for the past few days. We're still here, I promise. And I will work on it (again) to keep posting nightly. Enjoy the pictures!

Cheese monkey

Wedding invitations

Hanging out Saturday night

We need a bigger table (which would require a bigger house...)

Outnumbered, the girls still won :)

(But we lost at Disney Trivial Pursuit)

1 comment:

Shellie said...

Now don't you feel better after posting? I know I do!!