March 31, 2009

Deadliest Catch Junkie

When it comes to TV, there are few shows that I get ridiculously excited about. Grey's Anatomy, of course. The end of every American Idol season. This Michigan vs. Ohio State game. Those are "must sees" And now that I can record things and watch them later, I really love Ace of Cakes and Iron Chef America. But really there's not much that I get really excited about when it premieres.

Until yesterday...

When he came home, my husband casually mentioned that Deadliest Catch on Discovery was running old episodes and that the new season premieres on April 14th. He had set them to record, apparently. It was better than Christmas at my house.

For some unexplainable reason, I love Deadliest Catch. It's not a girlie show by any means nor is it really anything that I have some long standing interest in. It's not like I have some great desire to go and work on a crab boat. All that aside, the show FASCINATES me.

After Noah was born, but was still in the NICU, I remember sitting in the waiting room with my mom (and sometimes Grant) and watching a Deadliest Catch marathon. I think it helped distract me from being so nervous about Noah. And ever since then I have been a Deadliest Catch Junkie. It is easily one of my favorite shows ever. I'm a nerd, I know, it's OK... I'm counting down the days 'til the next premiere....

Noah's been a bit of a handful all day. He didn't take much of a nap today and has been cranky all afternoon. I'll be glad when he goes to bed tonight and cuts me a bit of a break. You've got to check out the pictures of him in his new swim trunks. Too cute.

Alright, I'm going to call it a night. Don't look down on me too much because of my above confession ;-) Enjoy the pictures!
Cheerio break

Check out the new shoes!

Cool shoes!

Ready to go swimming tomorrow

Look at that skinny kid!


Anonymous said...

OMG Noah your shoes! Can't wait to see you in your awesome red Chuckie T's! :)

Aunt Sarah

Shellie said...

Noah your shoes are adorable!! I'm jealous ;)

The Mississippi Majchszak's said...

My husband loves that show too! He can't wait until April 14th! He will miss the episode though! I've already been told I have to DVR it for him! It's actually not that bad of a show! LOL! I hope all is well with you! Noah is adorable! Talk to you later!